Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I have just ordered a book that claims to cover Art and Democracy.

As far as art is concerned, please look to the right to find a link to the initial site of DaBa Productions.

In 2003, DaBa Productions was founded to support my efforts in and around the art world in New England, the east coast, and now internationally.
So far DaBa has produced and edited one short film for an organization in Boston, met with numerous visual artists, and promoted a few bands visiting town. In 2007, DaBa plans to explore more film projects (at least one documentary), book at least two bands in the first half of the year, and keep the momentum going behind the launch of our literary magazine.

DaBa Productions will be launching its own arts blog in the coming weeks, and I will keep you posted.

UPDATE: Air Guitar is phenomenal. I highly recommend picking up a copy. I will be re-reading it and posting my comments on the DaBa Blog.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Current Events in Astronomy

Just a quick note about a celestial event I remember purposefully calculating back in high school. Next Sunday morning, about forty-five minutes before sunrise, three planets, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter, will be "converging" within a one-degree circle. This happens to be occurring in the constellation of Scorpius, which due to my birth date, holds some significance.
  • How tight is a one-degree circle? Generally with one's arm stretched full length, a closed fist will represent approximately ten-degrees of arc. The tip of your index finger will represent one-degree of arc.
  • How frequently do planets converge in a tight formation like this? As far as planets that you can see with your naked eye, the next time will be in 2053.
  • Where can you see it? Scorpius is a southern constellation, and the event will be occurring right on the horizon for me during my visit to New Orleans this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to catch it to the East-Southeast.

Astronomy has always been a source of awe, and with awe comes a healthy dose of humility. Look up the next night you find yourself in a low-light-pollution environment.

In an attempt to grasp the infinite, I studied astronomy, volunteered at an Observatory, and followed in early man's path of relating myself to some aspect of the heavens. Although astrology is hokey, one can not argue that understanding such an abstract environment is not a noble undertaking. Our reaction to being nothing in space is our attempt to control, i.e. to calculate and to predict. Control is one way to boost our intellectual ego.

The culmination of engineering and mathematics is exhibited in a device called the
Antikythera Mechanism. It was constructed two thousand years ago.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

Just as Micro Lending has proven that credit is an inherent human right, NFTE is proving that the knowledge to be economically self-sufficient is a powerful tool with which to rise from economic adversity.
I have seen it with my own eyes, and I continue to help both inside and outside the classroom. And thanks to NFTE, one constant that will be with me for the rest of my life will be my desire to enable others to gain economic freedom through Democracy and Capitalism.

Tomorrow morning at 7:40 I will be in a NFTE classroom continuing to coach a few high-school students. They are working hard to formulate their business plans, and will be gathering courage to present in front of their classmates in hopes of reaching the city-wide business plan competition.

It just so happens that NFTE was selected by the Motley Fool as one of their Foolanthropy 2006 charities. This is a unique opportunity to step up and help NFTE spread empowerment and financial skills to at-risk youth.

Link to Donate via Foolanthropy
Must Reads:

As I have mentioned principles of Democratic Capitalism a few times, I should probably offer some primary sources for my opinions on the matter.

First: A favorite book that has been with me on so many travels that it's a bit moldy. Ironically, when I was younger and ignorant of the issues that, to me, would become so lucid, Michael Novak joined my family for dinner in Washington.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Winter time is upon us! I am looking forward to the fireside debates apres ski. Democratic Capitalism works at all altitudes and velocities. More posts coming to help you prepare for your many fireside economic philosophy conversations.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Am I missing something?

"Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said.

A quote from this article.
Encourages Violence?

In this instance, the definition of intolerance:

–noun -lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

What ever happened to debate? Why must everything resolve to the threat of violence so quickly? Obviously the media is fanning the flames for its own gain, and it LOVES this hypocritical and idiotic quote. Media strives for the zero-sum game, and continues to over simplify things in order to make all seem sensational.

The Pope is arguing that the spread of religion through violence is wrong. Jihad exists, and that can not be denied, but I also know that all of my Muslim friends are not terrorists, and are incredibly kind and endearing. Yes the Crusades did take place, but that was during a time of mass-ignorance. Is there a resurgence in ignorance? If so, it's probably due to mass media. Not only are they bombarding us with vapid video bits, but they are doing so in such a way (read: 20 second to 2 minutes news bites) that is actually negatively impacting our intelligence.

Those who threaten violence as a solution are truly desperate, and those who promote violence for profit are despicable. The media needs to stop focusing on the minority view, even though it is the most "entertaining."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Becoming a ToDo list

So far I have a number of drafts queued up. The topics are listed below. Please vote for one in the comments section. This will keep me motivated to complete them.

1. New Spirituality: An exploration of how spirituality plays a role in the life of a prime mover.

2. Quantum Search: An exploration of the impacts of the ability to search parallel instances of our own lives in order to aid decision making. And, yes, by parallel instances, we mean parallel universes, not other people who are similar.

3. Seven Year Cycles: A detailed exploration of the fourth (21-28) phase of life.

4. Seven Year Cycles: An introduction to the xodpox interpretation of the seven year cycles theory.

5. Seven Year Cycles: Things to do during transition between phases.

6. Band Profile: The So Nice

7. Things I Miss Expository series (TIMES): Intro, and example of an environment or stimulus that resonates.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I was a part owner of a sailboat called the ChupaCabra. I lived in Maine for three years. And now this.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Artist Profile Update: Brian Connor

I heard from Brian yesterday and found out some exciting news. He shifted his focus to music.

The band in which he plays guitar, Motherboar, has been heaving some success around Boston. In fact, they have a solid set of gigs coming up.

As I mentioned, the last time I saw him was at the Middle East Downstairs, they have a show on September 8th at the Middle East Upstairs with Angry Samoans, Dirty Tactics, and Imperial Battlesnake.

If you are into Metal, check them out here, leave a comment, and be entered into a drawing for two tickets to their September 8th show. Tickets thanks to DaBa Productions.



Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Shout out to Oceanside. Seems to be a recurring theme recently. Someone owes me some cash out there, and I have to head there for work next month. The questions are, will they own up and pay me? and if not, will I swing by and collect when I am out there for work? All I needed was the trifecta, and it came through with our most recent reader registering as being from Oceanside, CA!
Tate Modern: Evolving +60%

Having spent a portion of my free-time in museums around the world, I am always keen to see new architectural developments. In Boston the MFA has begun its metamorphosis, but having intentions based in the classical arts its new shape will not stimulate.

On the other side of the Atlantic, and at the other end of the art spectrum, the Tate Modern is attempting to accommodate both its popularity (defined by sheer volume of visitors) and its mission (defined by Modern art).

Herzog & de Meuron have an exciting plan for Tate Modern. As exciting as a reclaimed power plant was, this actually looks more interesting.

I am hoping one of my architecturally minded friends will offer up some insight (and/or more links) on these concepts.

Tate Plans
Artist Spotlight: Brian Connor

One of Brian's landscapes came into my possesion (read: my eye for art comes out at auctions with a bar) a few years back. Although it has blended into the background of my daily routine, the piece from his Sunday Drive series still speaks to me. Part of the effect comes from the large format I have.
I stopped by his studio to view some of his other work, and went home with a few other shots from the series in a smaller format.
You might find him photographing local bands (some of which I will profile in later posts) around Boston. I last saw him working at the Middle East Downstairs.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Compassionate Fiscal Policy?

I am skeptical that Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) holders will be able to survive the Fed's consistent increase in interest rates. Will the Fed pause today? I have a feeling they will, but what are their motivations? The ARM is going to become the fickle friend of the real estate speculator as demand softens and rates rise. Should the Fed take into consideration the impact on these individuals? They are looking to head off inflation, but with the real estate market losing its momentum, how many real estate investors should they sacrifice?
It would be interesting to see how many ARMs are tied to first-time homes vs. investment properties. Should we treat differently risk-seeking speculators and risk-ignorant home-owners?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Attempt at discussion

So, BP and friends (Exxon etc.) can't maintain their pipeline (probably because it is too hard to shift all those billions of dollars of windfall profits up to Alaska to pay for upkeep). This means they shut down, and the market freaks out. I, like you, will probably have to go to the pump in the next week, and pay 10 to 15 cents more per gallon. That, in aggregate, will translate into hopefully enough money for BP to maintain the pipeline. Then, prices will go down. Make sense? Not to me.

Sure consolidation brings greater efficiency in distributing and marketing oil and gas, but as we are starting to see, the consumer really has no short-term say here. I feel as though the consumer is becoming more susceptible to the volatility in the market. Is there a trend of more volatility in the markets, or is it mass-media creating buzz and suppliers taking up the "phantom" slack?

As fuel prices went up last summer, my company elected to give all its employees a special "fuel price" bonus which was well received. It was a short term pressure release on us lowly consumers, and a noble gesture, but not a fair and sustainable solution.

So here's the question. In 30 to 40 years, when fresh water becomes a scarce resource, will we be facing the same situation with massive water-companies (think selling off Canada's lakes via pipelines)? Obviously water needs to be distributed to homes, farms and businesses, but how can we, as consumers, learn to deal with limited resources better?

Are there collective bargaining methods or consumer related game theories that apply here?

Keep in mind that I believe government control is the wrong approach. How can consumers become more sophisticated (which is a great challenge due to the fact that we are on-average uninformed participants in the free market)?
Good Timing, No Execution.

Here's an email from the Fall of 2003. About a year after a number of meetings with a friend and fellow engineer/entrepreneur. launched in 2004.

Granted our product was different, it still smarts to hear about valuations approaching $1 Billion... Trust me, it won't happen again.

From: xodpox
Date: September 25, 2003 5:26:19 PM EDT
To: Friend of xodpox
Subject: Emergency Facebook online team


If we build and deploy prototype we can raise $$$ within year.

Want to catch this bubblet? I am busy until Monday, but we might be able to assemble a team. It could just be the two of us for Facebook online. We need to get the structure/ownership issues out of the way first though. in the meantime I will send you an invite to Friendster so you can check it out.


Update: Here's a link to when we used to own our version of the domain:
And, to note, we are not claiming "dibs" on the idea, just highlighting our stupidity.
XodpoX Broadcast

Listen in here: xodpox

Bear in mind we are walking randomly through my 13682 13728 item music collection. Hopefully you won't get some strange Moog track.

Fresh market July 2006

Mostly consumer brands, but always entertaining to see how our environment can be the best canvas.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Custom Flip Flops

A sister of a friend of a friend is starting this venture.

They take any fabric and fabricate custom flops.

Style (as far as it concerns me) has always dictated that one's shoes match one's belt. Does this extend to ties? If so, one would have to buy two ties, and sacrifice one for the flops. If not, then you have to buy two belts, and sacrifice one.

One logical partnership would be with B-line Design. Use some of the extra B-line fabric and sell as a package.

Buoy Flips
B-Line Design
Ah, a classic from the past.

I was sussing out various ways to get to a friend's beach party in the Hamptons. I did not want to drive, ferry, and drive as that would have taken too long.

First the response, then the original. I was totally serious, which worries my friends.

From: "Carolina Sky Sports"
Date: June 14, 2004 10:11:33 AM EDT
Subject: RE: Question about skydiving

First of all you cannot skydive just anywhere you want. It is
highly regulated by the FAA. Students would not be allowed to jump
anywhere except a DZ. Keep in mind a pilot is responsible for
everything leaving his plane. If someone jumps out of a plane with a
parachute and something happens to the jumper, or maybe he drops is
helmet and someone or something is hurt, the pilot is responsible.
There would be an investigation by the FAA and the pilot could lose his
license, meaning losing his livelihood. Not many pilots would be
willing to take that risk and I would stay away from those that would.
There are seen and unseen obstacles that will hurt or kill you, power
lines, trees, buildings, water, unstable air currents, fences, etc.
Enlisting and going through jump school would not help you at
all especially since very few places use static line set-ups any more.
You would have greater flexibility as to where you skydive, but you
would have to be a very experience skydiver with a D license, PRO rating
even better, to get FAA approval for a skydive away from a DZ. Forget
about getting approvals for jumping into populated areas.
Skydiving is not recognized as a mode of transportation. It is
an exciting sport. I would suggest that you drop by a local DZ and see
how it works. Maybe make a tandem skydive. You may find a new passion
in life.

Blue Skies,
Tom Evans
Carolina Sky Sports

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 15:53
Subject: Question about skydiving

Hi there.
I am not sure if this is a common reason to be interested in Sky

Diving, but I am curious to know what steps I would need to take in
order to safely be able to land at specific destinations. Obviously
they would need to be in a areas where there are not environmental
dangers, for instance a beach, or a pasture. Assuming I am a capable
student, and willing to take the time to train, is it even possible to
reach a level where I could be able to jump to a specific
"destination." For instance, instead of flying to a local airport,
renting a car and driving somewhere, I would prefer to be able to jump
and land within a reasonable distance to my destination.
Am I totally off base here? Really wondering if such training
is possible without having to enlist and go through jump school.


We're going to be looking at both front and back.

Commentary, that is it. We will be humorous.